Take control of your analytics data and protect your visitors’ privacy

Matomo is a powerful open-source website analytics system that gives you 100% data ownership, 100% data accuracy and compliance with privacy legislation.


User-friendly – comprehensive and easy to understand 

Matomo provides an extensive set of tools to allow you to view, and understand your website visitors.  These include:

  • VISITORS- Visits Log, Real-time, Real-time Map, Locations, Devices, Software, Times, User IDs etc.
  • BEHAVIOUR- Pages, Entry Pages, Exit Pages, Page titles, Site Search, Outlinks, Downloads, Events, Contents, Engagement, Transitions, Performance
  • ACQUISITION- All Channels, Search Engines and Keywords, Websites, Social Networks, Campaigns
  • GOALS - Visits by URL or Page Title, Events (e.g. Form Submissions, File Downloads), Link Clicks and Visit Duration etc.

Privacy-friendly – track personal data ethically and legally

Because Matomo doesn't track users across sites and the data isn't used for 'other purposes'  it can be used to securely track personally identifiable information (PII) in a compliant manner.

100% accurate data

Because the data collected by Matomo is not shared the information collected is not limited by laws restricting information collection by third parties.  Instead of seeing information in your analytics that is 'synthesised' with Matomo you see real data for every visitor and every visit.

Own your analytics data

With Matomo your visitor’s data isn't shared and exploited by any third party.  The data is 100% owned by you and is 100% visible to you and you alone.



Matomo Analytics
UK Matomo Specialist


Katalysis have been using Matomo for website analytics and providing hosted Matomo services for customers for a number of years. 

Hosted Matomo

Hosted Matomo

We can provide you with an 'On-Premise' Matomo installation hosted on our servers in the UK and supported by us.  This option allows you to customise Matomo in any way you choose and, importantly, gives you total control over your analytics data and regulatory compliance.

UK Matomo Support

Matomo set-up and support

If you choose to use the Cloud based service provided by Matomo for your website we can still help.  We can set up Matomo on your Concrete CMS website for you, help you define and configure goals and implement custom tracking code if required.


Matomo’s range of privacy settings allow your website to comply fully with UK & EU GDPR and associated regulations governing the use of cookies. These settings include the option to use 'cookieless tracking'. Matomo’s cookieless tracking creates a unique, privacy-enabled, identity from a set of visitor attributes in order to track returning visitors over a short period.

Using cookieless tracking means you avoid the need to show a cookie consent screen and will get 100% accurate web traffic data for all visits.

Absolutely, Matomo can use UTM values in the same way Google Analytics does.  There’s even a special plugin available for multi-channel marketing attribution. The real upside with Matomo is that the dat your ad spend decisions are based on is not sampled or synthesised so you can be confident you are spending your money where you get the best return.

In short, yes, while EU GDPR no longer applies in the UK its provisions have been incorporated into UK law as UK GDPR with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). Core data protection principles, rights and obligations still apply to UK websites. 

Matomo makes it possible to comply fully with UK GDPR and collect 100% accurate analytics tracking data.

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